The Hanbury Arms, Pontypool
This inn has made both local and national newspapers with it's stories of ghostly happenings. The figure of a man has been seen in the pool room, glasses have smashed by themselves, lights switch on and off by themselves, barrels have split and strange whispers have been heard in the cellar which still has coffins in it. The date of the building is said to be around the 1830's, however it is mentioned in the Cambrian newspaper of 13th January 1821 when an auction took place there, Also an article from the Monmouthshire Merlin of 6th February 1864 suggests it could be older still. It reads - "The numerous public houses or hotels that bear the name of the Hanbury Arms at once attest the popularity of the name, the oldest of which in this district is that occupied by Mr John Joshua, Trosnant, whose grandfather obtained the license for the house from the late John Hanbury Esq, somewhere about eighty years ago, who suggested to him that he should adopt the Hanbu...